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Scientific Program

GP32 - Phacoemulsification & difficult scenarios

Membership No Name Topic Role Duration
M06421 Dr.Pradip Kumar Mohanta Iris hooks versus B-HEX pupil expansion device for small pupil Phaco Speaker 7
P09569 Dr.Amit Porwal Avoiding Tsunami in Mature Intumescent Cataracts Speaker 7
M13090 Dr.Prafulla Kumar Maharana Phacoemulsification in corneal ectasia Speaker 7
P14714 Dr.Rajendra Prasad While Chopping, When The Cataract Doesnot Crack, What Do I do Speaker 7
MEM20226 Dr.K. Ravi Kumar Reddy Femtolaser in cataract Speaker 7
M02916 Dr.Mohan Rajan After PCR what next Speaker 7
M06421 Dr.Pradip Kumar Mohanta Co-Convenor
M13090 Dr.Prafulla Kumar Maharana Moderator
M02916 Dr.Mohan Rajan Chairperson
M13116 Dr.Anurag Mishra Convenor
M13116 Dr.Anurag Mishra Low IOP surgery : Standard of care in Phaco Speaker 7
S17288 Dr.Parul Singh Intraoperative Techniques to prevent Postoperative Decentration in regular Phaco in session Speaker 7
P14714 Dr.Rajendra Prasad Co-Chairperson
A04119 Dr.Arup Chakrabarti Co-Chairperson
K08928 Dr.Kavita Porwal Workup of a Case of Pediatric Cataract Speaker 7