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Scientific Program

GP40 - Tough Scenarios in Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery

Membership No Name Topic Role Duration
T08751 Dr.Sunil Kumar Thangaraj Phaco in adverse situations a perspective Speaker 7
B05066 Dr.Nitin Balakrishnan Management of Subluxated Cataracts- When & What ? Speaker 7
G19570 Dr.Niruban G A Tale of subluxated cataracts- various methods of Management Speaker 7
G06748 Dr.Goswami Anshuman Lord of Rings & Hooks – All you wanted to know…… Speaker 7
K02624 Dr. Birendra Prasad Kashyap Demystifying CTR Speaker 7
N10860 Dr.Nasrin Dealing with A Dancing Cataract Speaker 7
G16416 Dr. Deepanjan Ghosh Retropupillary iris claw lens implantation in compromised capsular bag - A savior for the anterior segment surgeon Speaker 7
S06137 Dr.K V Satyamurthy Newer ways of fixing IOL in the absence of capsular support Speaker 7
J25979 Dr.Jyothirmai Tammana Pediatric cataract- challenges Speaker 7
T06991 Dr.J. S. Titiyal Chairperson
B05066 Dr.Nitin Balakrishnan Co-Chairperson
K02624 Dr. Birendra Prasad Kashyap Convenor
S06137 Dr.K V Satyamurthy Co-Convenor
L09514 Dr.Gaurav Luthra Moderator